Vernon CMS is built as a Windows desktop application. A fast (at least 10Mbs) local network connection is required between the workstation and the server. It is usually not possible
Running Vernon CMS on a Mac workstation
Vernon CMS is built as a Windows application. There are a number of approaches for running the system on a Mac workstation
Working during the Covid-19 pandemic
Vernon Systems staff are currently working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. We’re still here to help you and we can give you tips on working from home. Getting in
NDF Conference 2019
New Vernon Browser Websites
Vernon CMS Training 2019
Museum Collection Data Survey 2019
National Digital Forum (NDF) 2019
How have we changed as a GLAM sector in the last 10 years, and how will we evolve? What new technologies await beyond the borders of our imagination? Who will be our audience, and why will they come? Curiosity, Anger, Obligation, Love? Will GLAM institutions even need to exist? And if so, will they still be talking about the same issues we face today or faced 100 years ago?