The core of Vernon CMS
The Cataloguing module is powerful enough to cover all of the key features you will need to manage your collection. It has been developed to comply with the SPECTRUM museum data standard. The module includes your first user licence.
Vernon CMS provides a powerful, functional and flexible tool to manage your collection. Its unique combination of sophistication and ease of use makes it suitable for virtually any type of institution, ranging from single user sites with a few hundred objects, to major institutions with networked systems, multiple users, multiple sites and collections running into the millions of objects.
Vernon CMS has powerful built-in search and report functionality including the ability to export data to Microsoft Word and Excel.
The Cataloguing module forms the core module of Vernon CMS and provides management for the following data:
- Accessions and deaccessions
- Full descriptive details, including parts, measurements and physical aspects
- Location and movements
- Multimedia
- Places and sites
- Related Person details
- Storage, handling and display requirements
- Tasks, reminders and prompts
- Valuation
- Curatorial research
Components of the Cataloguing module
Vernon CMS is hosted on a local server, and accessed from any number of workstations that have access to the network.
Cataloguing module is a combination of databases (called Authority Files) working in unison. These databases include:
Features include:
- A rich relational database structure with thousands of fields available. The Object file alone has over 400 fields.
- These fields are structured in standard and customised windows for easy access. Customised screens can be built to user specifications.
- User defined fields and the ability for the user to rename any field with the change automatically applied throughout the system.
- Copying data from records or templates with a keystroke, and powerful batch update facilities.
- Sophisticated handling of imprecise dates.
- Automatic conversion of any measurement (dimensions, weights, temperatures, etc).
- The ability to catalogue multi-part objects in a single record and catalogue, move, inventory and transact management activities at part level.
- Hierarchical authorities with full thesaurus facilities.
- Optional integration of Art & Architecture Thesaurus and Revised Nomenclature.
- Powerful and easy-to-use retrieval tool and report writer.
- Sophisticated options for browsing sets of records after retrieval.
- Import and Export of data to/from other applications such as word processors, spreadsheets and DTP.
- Direct linkages to other applications so you can see open related files, including Word and PDF documents and Excel spreadsheets.
- Inventory and location control, including bulk batch updating.
- A unique tool to Procedurally Control any process.
- A Diary to assign tasks to people. ‘To-Do’ lists can be brought up automatically at logon, or on demand.
- Powerful data security down to field level as well as security over processes, user groups and usage logging.
- Tracking of costs (actual and budget, currency and hours) can be ascribed to any task or step. Standard costs can be automatically applied. Costs are totalled for each task and for all tasks.
- Audit trails: these provide recovery of data changed since the last backup; rollback of unwanted changes; reporting and logging of all updates showing date and user responsible.
- Imaging support for all common file formats.
- Multimedia facilities to play digital sound and motion video.
- Multi-valued (repeatable) fields and true variable length data saves space and avoiding the frustration of fixed length fields.
- Allowing barcode input.