Standards help ensure data is structured consistently
National and international standards have been developed for how data is recorded and exchanged. Existing standards cover both the overall structure (in terms of how the cataloguing information can be broken into individual elements) and guidelines for the style and formatting of individual fields of information. Standards provide the basis for sharing information.
Spectrum is an international, open and freely available collections management standard. It is the primary specification for collections management activity in museums. Vernon Systems is an official Spectrum partner.
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM)
Definitions and a formal structure for describing the concepts and relationships used in cultural heritage documentation.
Cataloguing Descriptions for Works of Art
Guidelines for describing works of art, architecture, groups of objects, and visual and textual surrogates.
Dublin Core
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) develops the Dublin Core standard. This describes individual resources (such as museum objects) so that the data can easily be re-used.
Darwin Core
The Darwin Core standard enables the sharing of biological specimen data.
Open Archive Initiative
Develops and promotes interoperability standards to facilitate the efficient sharing of archive content.