What would it take to re-enter all of your collection data?
We offer data migration services so that you don’t have to find the answer to this question.
We migrate data for most of the new sites using Vernon CMS or eHive.
The Data Migration Process
We take your data security seriously and offer complete confidentiality. All Vernon Systems staff have signed non-disclosure agreements relating to any collection information that we access.
We have experience migrating collection data of many different types. This involves assessing what information you have and finding where it would logically fit into our database architecture. We can propose areas where the data can be improved as part of the migration, and areas to focus on in the future.
Migrating to Vernon CMS
Firstly, we need structured data in a standard format. This may the original format of the data or you may have a system that provides options to export the data to more generic formats. We work with common formats such as comma or tab delimited text files, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and Microsoft Access or SQL databases.
Next, we need to know how your data is organised. We are experts in dealing with the challenges of custom made databases and complex data. In each case we work closely with you to determine the best way to preserve your valuable information.
Migrating to eHive
A standard Excel spreadsheet is provided for importing data into eHive. This can serve as a spreadsheet to enter new data to import in bulk at a later date. It can also be a stepping stone between an existing system and eHive data structure, with you simply copying columns of information from another format into our standard spreadsheet. More information about our eHive import spreadsheet is on eHive’s Importing Data page.
We can also quote for converting data directly from other systems as we do for Vernon CMS.
For all data migration work we offer complimentary data analysis to provide a quote for the work required.
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