Vernon CMS: Suitable for any type of collection
Since 1985 Vernon Systems has been dedicated to providing comprehensive and flexible collection management software (CMS) with world class support.
With a balance of functionality and flexibility, Vernon CMS is suitable for art, photographic collections, social history, natural history and reference libraries.
Support of standards
With great advice from our supportive users and the wider cultural community, we are constantly working to make Vernon CMS better. As a SPECTRUM Partner Vernon CMS adheres to all common standards for information management and sharing.
Vernon CMS is used to manage all common collection types including social history, art, archaeology, archives, reference library and natural science collections. Over 60% of our current clients manage multiple types of collection within Vernon CMS. Customised windows have been built for specialised collections such as transport, technology or sports items.
Vernon Systems supports many collection data standards including Dublin Core, Darwin Core, EAD, ISAD, MARC and KML (for geo-location mapping).
Getting information in and out
Your Collection data has an ever increasing value based on how well that it can be accessed and used, now and in the future.
Records can be organised into a hierarchical structure that can handle archival structures such as Group / Series / File / Item or Fond, or a hierarchy of locations such as Building / Floor / Room / Bay / Shelf.
Object parts can be described and individual parts can then be tracked in more detail. For example, measurements and locations can be recorded for each described part. Objects can also be organised into packing units to handle groups of objects that are stored or moved together. Groups of objects can be updated together in the case of bulk movements, such as when reorganising storage rooms or batches of loans.
Vernon CMS includes Procedural Controls, which allow repeatable functions and prompts to be automated. For example a change of status for a record can trigger a report or send an automated email.
There are many data entry shortcuts, including the options to copy records, create data entry templates and bulk update fields in a group of records.
Quick searches make navigating around the collection simple while the Advanced Search tool allows you to build up complex searches step-by-step and save searches for future use. Boolean operators and natural language dates can work in combination with query filters for complete control of your search results.
At any time you can save searches or a list of records for future reference.
Data can also be exported in a wide-range of formats for use in other applications. Export format options include tab and comma delimited files, PDF and a range of XML formats.
As soon as information in Vernon CMS is altered, automatic updates are able to be sent to third-party applications.
There are many ways to import information, allowing data to be created or edited and later added into Vernon CMS as new records or updates to existing records.
Vernon provides data conversion services to migrate your data from previous systems in to Vernon CMS. We have specialist staff that have converted and imported millions of records.
This allows the best of both worlds. Peace of mind in your data consistency with the benefits of connectivity with other systems.
Linking to digital files and external web pages
The original files can be opened directly from Vernon CMS into your default viewing software for each file type. Links to media files can be created and updated in bulk. The original files are stored outside of the system where they can be secured and backed up on the network.
An individual Photo/Audio-Visual record is kept of each related image, audio or video file, each with its own public access settings, metadata and copyright information. You can link many Photo/Audio-visual records to records any record in the system. For example, each object record may link to many related images.
You can also refer to web pages or files via web links (URLs) allowing a third-party system to manage these files. For example you might link to online source or documents within a TRIM Records Management System.
Choosing the modules you need
This Cataloguing module fulfils the basic needs of collection management and is sufficient for many collections. It covers core requirements such as location tracking, searching and reporting, image management, security and auditing.
You can create as many individual log-in details as you need, and access through workstations in your network. Licence restrictions only apply to the number of users that are logged onto Vernon CMS at the same time.
Make the most of our services
The annual support agreement includes all software upgrades and support via the Customer Support Forum or phone or email. We have staff in New Zealand, United Kingdom and South Africa and thus cover all time zones.