The Orangery at the Fan Museum in Greenwich, London, was the stunning venue for a recent eHive workshop on the afternoon of March 13th.
In a space surrounded by delightful trompe l’œil murals by artist Jane Barraclough and with French doors facing a quiet, formal garden, eight people from local museums gathered at the event which was co-hosted by Alex von der Becke from Vernon Systems and Camilla Hiscock from the Fan Museum.
Proceedings kicked off with an illustrated talk giving an outline of the various features of eHive, together with advice on constructing advanced searches and linking accounts to Google Analytics. This was then complemented by a client talk discussing what led the Fan Museum to choose eHive as a system and how they went about entering records.
The latter presentation was also spiced up by a fascinating tidbit entitled, ‘My Favorite Fan’, in which Camilla discussed one of the highlights of the collection: a fan painted by famous English artist, Walter Sickert, depicting “Little Dot Hetherington at the Old Bedford Music Hall“.
The bulk of the afternoon then consisted of a supervised session in which delegates opened free, entry-level eHive accounts and tried their hands entering some sample records using the different data entry screens available. Drinks and refreshments were also served.
The event was brought to a close by a brief summary of the eHive roadmap, discussing planned improvements and enhancements, including multiple logins and support for audio and video.
The next eHive workshop will be in Wanstead, London on 28th July 2017.