December 2014
Staff News
Naomi Boult joins Vernon Systems
Naomi has worked in the Culture and Heritage sector since 2005, predominantly in the field of Collection Management. She has a background in Art History and Museum Studies and has worked for Toitū Otago Settlers Museum and Museums Wellington. Naomi joined the Documentation Team in October 2014.

National Digital Forum conference – Top 10 Projects
Paul and Charles attended the National Digital Forum conference in Wellington. Paul has written up a top ten list of projects, websites and tools he discovered at this year’s conference.
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Upcoming Conferences and Events
Vernon will be exhibiting at a number of different conferences over the coming months, we would love to catch up with as many of you as we can. Check out the details.
Vernon News

Vernon CMS 8.1 Released on December 10th
The first update for 8.0, the major release from September this year, has been completed.
Version 8.1 includes:
New Biography Reference field for citing the source of bibliographic information on Person records
Item Count and Item Count Notes added to Library screen
More user symbolics – all files now have access to 150 user symbolic (calculated) fields rather than the 120 available in previous versions
Vernon Browser export skips the creation of derivative images when they have already been created during previous exports
Person roles index now includes references from Person fields in the Photo/AV file
Word Merge reports – the paragraph formatting of symbolic fields can now be changed
Reorder Edit Table window now supports more columns for large edit tables such as Person Biography
XML Import detects invalid dates and gives a warning.

It’s time to roll over your accession number defaults again
It is nearly 2015. This means means it is time, once again, to roll over your accession number defaults for the New Year. To update your defaults please do the following:
Go to the Tools menu > System Maintenance > Accession Number Tool > Accession Number Format.
Type ] into Quick Search and press Enter on your keyboard.
Select the formats you wish to update.
In the Default field, swap out 2014 and replace it with 2015. Your global default should start one number prior to the first valid accession number you wish to use. For example, if you want to start the year off with 2015.1, your global default should be 2015.0.
If you use your own defaults as well as the global defaults, you will also need to update My Defaults:
Click on the Options button in the Accession Number field to open the My Defaults window
Click Edit My Defaults and enter a new default. Again, you should enter an accession number that is one prior to the first valid accession number you wish to use.
Click Set My Defaults to save your changes.
Canterbury Museum launches online collection using Vernon Browser
Darren and Shinoy have been working hard this year with Canterbury Museum staff to build an online site to showcase the collections of the museum. The initial launch has over 20,000 objects, including the biography cards about early Canterbury settlers created by George Ranald Macdonald and large numbers of items related to the 2010-11 earthquakes.
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Freshdesk Knowledge Base now active
Freshdesk powers our new Vernon Systems Customer portal, which we use to track support requests, provide discussion forums and share articles to help you get the most out of our products:
The ‘Solutions’ section was added in October and is being continually extended to include more articles.
If you have any topics for discussion, please post them in the forums in Freskdesk as the old forum is now read-only.
If you’d like to receive email notifications when a new topic is posted on either the Noticeboard or Discussion forum on the new Customer Support Portal, you’ll need to choose to “follow” that particular forum. To follow a forum, open the Forums tab. Click on the title of the forum you’d like to follow and then click the Follow button.
As part of your support contract with Vernon Systems, it is a requirement that at least one staff member from your organisation is signed up to follow the Noticeboard forum. This is because this is where we post important notices and information about upcoming training and events.

Office Christmas Holiday
The Vernon Systems office is closed from Dec 20th-Jan 4th. We will still be monitoring our email for anything urgent. Have a safe and happy holiday!

Current Details
The Vernon Escrow flashdrive for this quarter is in secure storage. The barcode label is V051264.
Vernon CMS v8.1
Vernon Browser v2.5