December 2016
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

We wish all of our clients and contacts a happy holiday. Our offices are closed from December 24th to January 3rd. We’ll be monitoring our email over the break, so get in touch if you need help urgently over the holiday period.
Staff News
Cherry Elias joins our Auckland office
Cherry joined us this month as one of our documentation and training Consultants.
Cherry has recently completed a postgraduate degree in biological anthropology. She has previously worked as a collections volunteer at Auckland Museum and as a software developer.
Leisa attends her first National Digital Forum conference
The National Digital Forum conference is New Zealand’s annual conference for digital work in the heritage sector.

Vernon User Group meetings around the world
We have completed our annual round of user group meetings after the release of Vernon CMS 10.0. This year’s meetings were held in Melbourne, Auckland and Edinburgh. The largest event was in Melbourne, with over 40 clients attending. Many took advantage of the group training days that followed the meetings.
Upcoming Events
Group training event, Jan 24th, Auckland
Our next event is a group training session in our Auckland office. Contact Leisa Taylor if you’re interested in attending this event.
Vernon News

Vernon CMS 10.0
The latest major upgrade to Vernon CMS was released on October 31st. Vernon CMS 10.0 includes a calendar view tool, image derivatives, improved options for viewing multimedia, and a number of enhancements to existing functionality.
Four tips for searching
Did you know you can search for a range of accession numbers using an elipses? e.g. 2011.1…2012.1. We’ve published a solution article with some basic tips for searching in Vernon CMS.
Read our tips for searching on the Customer Support Portal »

Current Details
The Vernon Escrow flashdrive for this quarter is in secure storage. The barcode label is V051265.
Vernon CMS v10.0
Vernon Browser v3.3