March 2015
Staff News

Upcoming Conferences
Kate McCaughan will be representing Vernon Systems at the annual Museums Aotearoa conference on 6-8th May. This year’s venue is Otago Museum in Dunedin.
You can also meet Paul Rowe at the Vernon Systems stand at the Museums Australia conference. This year’s conference runs from 21st-24th of May in Sydney. Paul will be presenting at 11:00am on 24th May on the topic “How to cope when you open your digital doors”.

Upcoming Events
Vernon will be exhibiting at a number of different conferences over the coming months. We would love to catch up with as many of you as we can. Check out the details.
ConferencesVernon News

Opening tools out of context
The main record viewing tools can all be opened as a new session independent of any screens already open in Vernon CMS.
On the main Vernon CMS toolbar, just use Ctrl-Shift-Click to open the tool out of context of the current screens. E.g. Ctrl-Shift-Click the List Manager button and choose Object and this will open a blank List Manager screen. You can then type in a new search and view that the records in the data entry screen via List Manager’s ‘Window’ button. You will then have multiple independent object windows with independent browse lists of records.
Online collection websites launched using Vernon Browser
Two recent Vernon Browser website launches have incorporated new ways to interlink online content.
Historic Scotland
Historic Scotland have launched their online collection website with highlights of the collection. Historic Scotland manage heritage properties and archaeological sites all over Scotland.
They have used the Department field in the Object records to note which property manages each collection item. The External File field on the Department record has been used to note the permanent website page for each property. This means that from any collection item record on the website you can easily access information about the property it is held at, such as location and opening hours. You can see this in action on this page about a set of pikeman’s armour.
Australian Centre of the Moving Image
ACMI celebrates, explores and promotes the moving image in all its forms. Their website makes almost 40,000 collection records available online through Vernon Browser. A responsive web design changes the layout of the pages to suit the size of the screen the visitor is using. For example, on a mobile phone, the width of the website resizes to fit the area available on the phone screen.
Many of their collections records are linked, such as a record representing a television series and separate records for each episode. The Vernon Browser object detail page clearly displays the links between these records so that the visitor can easily go from a series record to other related records.
You can view their collection online through the Collections and Research section of their website.
Freshdesk Knowledge Base now active
The new Vernon CMS & Browser Customer Support Portal, powered by Freshdesk, is now live. Log into the portal to view past and current support requests (you’ll only be able to see tickets from April last year, as this is when we started using this new helpdesk software). You can also submit a request via the portal.
The Support Portal is not just for keeping track of your support requests. It also contains how-to articles on many commonly asked support questions. These can be found on the homepage when you login, or by opening the Solutions section.
We have also recently enabled the forums on this website. To receive email notifications when a new topic is posted on either the Noticeboard, Discussion or Feature Requests forum, you’ll need to open that particular forum and click “Follow” (button on far right). You will not be automatically subscribed to updates. You can also choose to follow a particular topic only.
Upcoming Training Webinar Series
We will be running a series of four training webinars over the month of May, covering data entry, searching, reporting and data cleanup. The webinars will run on Wednesdays at 1pm NZST (11am AEST and 9am AWST) and again at 4pm New York time. The cost is NZ$80 per person, per session. Each session will run for 50 minutes. Please see the Support Portal Noticeboard forum posting for further details, or email to book a place. The tool we use for online webinars is GoToMeeting, so you’ll need a computer and a reliable internet connection. Questions can be asked via a message box on the screen.

Current Details
The Vernon Escrow flashdrive for this quarter is in secure storage. The barcode label is V051264.
Vernon Browser v2.5